Website Create Various web hosting agencies provide an interface to build websites fro…
Mesh topology In this topology, computers are interconnected and can be connected in…
Ring Topology As the name suggests, the ring topology will be like a spherical circl…
web hosting In addition to the name, a website contains various documents, such as ima…
Career Generally speaking, the specific functional part of life is a career. The acti…
dream career Only people dream. Dreaming - in different colors, in different dimens…
Malware Viruses, worms trojan horses, etc. can be removed by using special computer …
virus Any program must be able to execute its code and write to memory in order to r…
History of viruses Computer scientist John von Neumann shed light on this in 1949, l…
Computer virus A computer virus is a type of malicious software or malware that is cap…
Malware Among the common and detected malware, the following three types of malware …
Star Topology Star Topology: If all the computers in a network are connected to a cent…
Internet use in everyday life There was a time when we used to ask someone if we can …
spreadsheet Since the early days of mankind, people had to keep track of various thing…
Computer hacking Hacking is defined as entering into a computer system or network wi…
Optical fiber Optical fiber is a very thin type of plastic Glass system. Light sign…
malware Computer systems that have software security flaws create an opportunity for m…
Malicious software If you want to do any work on the computer, it has to be done throu…
A communication satellite floating in space Satellite: Satellites orbit the Earth from…
Social Media